Sunday, 14 July 2013

[Scala] Scala event in Warsaw

On July 10, there was an event called "Scalania". A group of Scala developers and Scala "wannabe" developers, meet at Warsaw University Of Technology. We were solving 99-scala problems. Result of our work can be found at bitbucket.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

[Git] Experimenting with git ls-files. Show ignored files in git.

This post describes, my experiments with git ls-files command.

 In repository, we have files:

.DS_Store (Mac OS X, folder settings file)
.git (Git repository file)
.gitignore (Git ignore file)
ignoredFile (Some file, that should be ignored)
inRepo (File in repository)
untracked (Som untracked file)
staged (Staged file)

This command show us, all committed files and staged files.
$ git ls-files

This command show us, all files that are ignored or untracked. Those files are called 'other'.
$ git ls-files --others

This command show us, all others files, without ignored files. Option exclude-standard means that standard git exclusion files are included.
$ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard

This command show us, all files that are ignored.
$ git ls-files --ignored --others --exclude-standard

In my global git ignore file, there is a rule to ignore all .DS_Store files. In my local git ignore file, there is a rule to ignore ignoredFile file.